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Our mission is to help you develop your full potential for efficiency and productivity through targeted interventions that identify the root causes of the obstacles you face in your career, and to increase your ability to solve problems with a minimum amount of wasted time, energy and resources while also improving your ability to work with pleasure, elegance, ease and confidence.

All individuals have their own fundamental nature, although it is sometimes impeded by self-created mechanisms and habits that do not necessarily correspond to reality. Everyone has the inherent power to bring about significant changes in their lives through the development of greater metacognitive skills and self-awareness in the way they perceive and approach problems.

A pragmatic approach

Intelligence is much more than having a high IQ, which is a measure more appropriate to academic success. Instead, we adopt a more pragmatic approach relevant to the resolution of the 1001 problems of daily life.

Based on a humanistic approach that is not limited to the strict measurement of IQ, CogniVers believes in helping people become aware of a broader concept of intelligence that includes general skills such as planning, perseverance, mental flexibility, accuracy, relevance, impulse control, the need to back up what we affirm with proof, risk-taking, consideration of others’ views, verification of results, following instructions, metacognition, and empathy.

Developing one’s potential for efficiency and productivity is a major challenge today because of the constant progress of information technology and communications that requires us to improve our intellectual and practical skills on a continual basis.

  •  Integrity and transparency
  • Respect for differences among learners, without judgement or labelling
  • Encouraging confidence and the thirst for excellence in every learner
  • Professionalism through confidentiality and a sense of responsibility
  • Authenticity and humility
  • Respect for yourself and for others
  • Open-mindedness and challenging preconceived ideas
  • Curiosity, perseverance, enthusiasm and commitment